Flying Jacob 8 1h 225°C 45 min Credit: traditional Cuisine: Sweden What you need 1 kg chicken140g bacon3 bananas2 dl (200 ml) ketchup1.5 – 2 tsp chilli powder5 dl (500 ml) double cream1.5 dl (150 ml) peanuts Shred the chicken and bacon. Fry them and put in an oven dish. Cut the bananas and put on top of the meat with the peanuts.Mix the ketchup and chilli with the cream and whisk lightly. Pour over the rest of the ingredients. Bake in oven 225°C, 15 minutes.Serve with rice. Flying Jacob is named after its creator Ove Jacobsson. The recipe was first published in the food magazine “Allt om mat” in 1976. Flying Jacob Chicken Breast Bacon Banana Ketchup Chilli Powder Cream Peanut Basmati Rice