Corn and Chicken Soup 8-10 1h 30 min Credit: Robert Frosthagen What you need 3 onions750g sweet corn2.5 garlic cloves2.5 ml cayenne pepper5 tsp fine chopped chilli5 tbsp oil2.5 tsp sugar2-3 chicken stock1.5 l water5 dl (500 ml) cream5 chicken filetssalt & pepper Chop the onion and garlic very fine. Brown in a pot together with cayenne pepper and chilli.Add sweet corn and sugar. Then add stock, water and cream. Let simmer for 5 minutes.With a mixer/food processor mix the soup until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste.Season the chicken with salt and pepper and fry in a pan. Slice the chicken and serve in the soup.To crush some tortilla crisps and add when serving gives the soup an extra touch. Corn and Chicken Soup Onion Sweet Corn Garlic Jalapeño Ground Cayenne Pepper Rapeseed Oil Granulated Sugar Water Cream Chicken Breast Salt Ground Black Pepper Chicken Stock