Chilli Infusion

 6-7    1.5h   200°C    30 min  

Credit: Mita Frosthagen   

1 kg chicken fillets
1-2 batch chilli marinade

2.5 kg potatoes (e.g. Maris Piper)
Chilli powder

50 ml (0.5 dl) flour
100 ml (1 dl) milk
600 ml (6 dl) cream (or milk for a lighter sauce)

Put the chicken in an oven proof tray. Cover the chicken with the marinade.

Peal the potatoes and cut in halves. Put the potatoes in a large oven tray. Add oil, salt and chilli powder to taste and stir well.

Put both trays in the oven and bake in 200ºC until the potato is soft and the chicken well cooked (30 min to an hour).

Remove the chicken from the tray and pour the rest of the marinade into a sauce pan (through a sieve). Mix the flour with the milk and pour into the sauce pan. Mix well and heat. While thickening add the cream until you have a nice and smooth sauce, stir all the time.

Serve with a nice fresh salad.

Cover chicken with marinade
Cover chicken with marinade
Chilli Infusion

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