Tacos 8 30 min Cuisine: Mexico What you need Related recipes Taco Spice Blend Avocado Dip Sauce 1 kg minced beef1 batch taco spice1 jar salsa300-500ml crème fraîcheavocado dip sauce8-12 tortillas1 bag tortilla chips 0.5 head of iceberg lettuce1 cucumber4 tomatoes1 can sweet corn1 large red onion2-3 dl (200-300ml)peanuts250g grated cheese Fry the mince with the taco spice.Cut all vegetables small and put in separate bowls. Tacos Minced Beef Salsa Crème Fraîche Iceberg Lettuce Cucumber Tomato Sweet Corn Red Onion Peanut Cheese Tortilla Tortilla Chips