Liquorice Caramel

  40 min  

Credit:    Tagged on: Sweets    Cuisine: Sweden

What you need

1.5 dl (150 ml) double cream
1 dl (100 ml) golden syrup
25 g butter
2 dl (200 ml) sugar
2 dl (200 ml) hard salt liquorice (e.g. Turkish pepper)
coarse sea salt

Mix all ingredients, except the salt, in a big saucepan. Bring to the boil. Use a thermometer and hold in the middle of the saucepan (make sure it doesn’t touch the bottom) and stir gently so it mixes well. Boil on low heat until the thermometer shows 125°C. Make a test by pouring a drop in a glass of water and see if it forms into a ball. Optional is to add some black food colouring when the batch is ready.

Pour in a dish covered with grease proof paper and let cool. Cut into small pieces and sprinkle some salt on top. Wrap individually.

Liquorice Caramel