
 8    1h   200°C     20 min  

Cuisine: Mexico

1kg chicken filets
2 red bell pepper
2 red onions
1 batch taco spice
16 tortilla bread
600g crushed tomatoes
300g salsa
4-6dl (440-600ml) crème fraîche
250g grated cheese

To serve
sweet corn

Cut the chicken in small strips. Cut bell pepper and red onion in small strips. Fry the chicken, onion and bell pepper in some oil and 1 tsp of the taco spice.

Mix crushed tomatoes, salsa, crème fraîche and the rest of the taco spice for the sauce. Add half of the sauce to the chicken mix.

Divide the chicken mix on the tortilla bread, roll them and but in a large oven proof dish. Pour the rest of the sauce over the enchilada rolls and top with cheese.

Bake in oven for 20 minutes, or until the cheese is golden and crusty.


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