About Fika ‘n’ Food

In 2009 we spent 5 months in New Zealand as a family. Packing for 7 for a period of 6 months or more is not easy and there are always things you realise you should have packed, as there are things you could easily had done without. The thing I missed the most was my book with favourite recipes. So when we came back to Sweden I decided to collect them somewhere handy so they would always be in reach when I needed them. So I made a recipe website, just for us to use.

Over the years our online recipe book has been used a lot. Especially now when the children are adults and fight with me about the kitchen space. Baking especially, is a passion. Baking for the family, baking for guests, baking to bring and baking for chocolate cravings. There is always a good time for a fika!

As a mother of five I have also learnt to be creative with cooking. When our daughter developed an allergy that means she can not eat things containing Citric Acid, we have cooked more dishes from scratch. That is an excellent way to learn about produce, spices and combinations of ingredients. Suddenly cooking became fun and exciting.

As we now live in England I can no longer refer to the old site when someone asks me to share the recipe. Because the old site was in Swedish. Hence the need of a new recipe site with the Frosthagen favourites, in English.

Please enjoy and make time for more fika in your life


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